GMAT prep and other stuff


Have I mentioned more than 28 times that I think I need to go back to school? Well, I’m still considering it. There are several things I’ve always wanted to be when I grow up, and while I am still not very interested in growing up, it’s time to make some decisions education wise. Has anybody done any gmat prep? Besides the course, what do you feel helped you most on the test? Least?

I’ve probably posted this before, but it’s worth seeing again: pictures that changed the world.

Several ways to go out in style.

Links to nine weird poems, with a bit of background on each of them.

I am subscribing to this blog, because I like the way this man talks about his wife. He obviously adores her.

Oh my gosh! May try these at my next shin-dig!

Extenze and other stuff


You know, some things I never figured to talk about on this blog, and extenze is one of them. Just sayin’

Hahaha. I wouldn’t pull, because I would be too busy laughing, but you at least gotta look.

This right here is the best dog toy ever. Only my dog hated it. Even peanut butter wouldn’t make her play with it. Damn, I miss that dog. She was truly my bestest friend for several years.

Some things just shouldn’t be said. Mostly because they are stupid and a waste of taxpayer’s money. That would be my money and yours.

Here are 35 beautiful photographs of animals. Don’t rush. Get coffee first, and enjoy them! Some great talent here, both the Creator and the snappers.

Bwhahahahaha! Take that, PETA!

Weight Loss Success Stories and other stuff


Ok, this post shouldn’t leave you needing to read weight loss success stories like the last one, but it should be amusing anyway.

Well, I’ve been called a word nazi before, so I might as well add grammar nazi to my list of titles.

Here’s a nifty skill–make firewood out of newspaper. Never be cold again, at least as long as you subscribe to the paper.

Here are some cool statues. I will refrain from getting philosophical about this one, you can make your own call.

Here are 22 short stories by J. D. Salinger to amuse you.

And this, this I just like. A lot.

FDA Approved Diet Pills and other stuff

By the end of this post, I promise that you will be curious about fda approved diet pills.

Let’s begin with marshmallow fondant. Because, seriously, if it starts with marshmallows and sugar, how can it go wrong?

Tres Leches cake. I should have known this was The Pioneer Woman talking when I was reading, but no, it wasn’t until I actually went to harvest the link that I noticed.

Ok, enough food. Here’s a little something to drive you crazy. Hahahaha, you can thank me later.

This is just pretty, and you know I like pretty.

And I also like funny. I really like funny.

Apidexin Scam and other stuff

Wise up about the apidexin scam!

Ok, so ….weird. But also funny. Because onions really do make you cry.

Oh wow. Were truer words ever spoken? Cause I have spent the last several years just saying “fine, fine. And you?” So this blog sucked up a few minutes of my day, and it got added to my feed reader, too.

If you’ve ever seen a cat engage in strange and aberrant behavior (and who hasn’t?) then this page should amuse you.

This might not amuse you unless you get called slut a lot. I laughed. Just sayin’.

And this one made me smile and nod.

Cheapest Car Insurance and other stuff


Hey, if you are in the market, check out this list for the cheapest car insurance.

This right here is genius. Pure and simple genius that will make us all feel really, really stupid. And I have office clips already.

If I ever get through my TBR pile, this will be a good place to visit.

This is funny. It’s sad in a way, but also funny. Darn those caring humans!

France is not just Paris. And these pictures prove it. It’s a beautiful country.

This is pretty. That is all.

Vitamins and other stuff


Feeling puny? I know the heat just saps me. Try some good vitamins. It won’t do anything for the heat, but you’ll at least feel like you are taking better care of yourself while you swelter.

Stuff you may or may not be interested to know about cats vs. dogs.

More college humor. This time, a dog rides a turtle. It’s kinda…..bizarre, actually.

Awww, they look so friendly….right before they eat you!

Ok, this is interesting, but you have to really listen carefully.

How inanity continues through the ages. Seriously.

Allergy Mattress Covers and other stuff

If you aren’t sleeping well, have you considered allergy mattress covers. I do ok as long as I don’t let the dog in my bed, which is pretty easy since I also don’t allow the dog in my house, LOL!

Awwww, little knitted bunnies. From a SQUARE!!

And here we have an interesting little cartoon comparing the views of Huxley and Orwell. It’s worth reading, and I think it’s also time to read Brave New World.

A very good idea. There should be one of these in every neighborhood!

Ummm, bookshelves. Lots and lots of bookshelves.

Hmmm, kiss me, my dear.

Elliptical and other stuff


So, how are those love handles this week? Gonna let them alone, or hop on the elliptical? My cousin reports that those things aren’t near as easy as they look!

Ooooh, yummy! Flags made out of food! I wonder how far you could take that idea?

And these look good, too. I’ve never had baked eggs before, but I think I’ll have to try them now. I think they’d make a fairly easy brunch for a bunch, just add a side of fresh fruit.

Yanno, this is impressive. I agree with the first commenter that it seems like a big waste of money, but dang! This is one sweet airplane.

Here are some quotes from Albert Einstein. He had a lot more to say than just e equals mc squared. And why is there not sub-notation key on a computer?

God is an artist. Period.

Diet Pill Reviews and Other Stuff


So, let’s follow up on the last fat post with some diet pill reviews, shall we?

Project Gutenberg. Thousands of free books. No, seriously. Even for your phone.

Big, fierce animals way up close and personal. Risky, but cool.

What reading really means. This is how I feel in a good book.

This is a site I need to spend some time on, yessiree! Cause I have crafty stuff to sell.

Absolutely amazing.

Ab Workout and other stuff

You know, I have lost a good bit of weight, but my belly just will not get flat. Maybe a better ab workout is in order.

Speaking of ab workouts, this cat has a great idea! Think it could work for me?

Awww, a little mushy stuff.

A little scenery for you. Think sand comes in just one color? Check these beaches out.

Into food porn? Get your condoments right here: Best Condiments in the World.

Dear Will, did you send this to the internets?

Door Chime and other stuff


In the market for a new sound to announce your guests? Try a musical door chime!

Want some help feeling blue? Check out the Melancholy Playlist.

100 free online courses, and this list is compiled for bibliophiles, like me!

Umm, this…… this defies description. You have to see it. Panoramic Double Arches.

Hahahahahahahahaha. That is all.

Consider yourself logical? Read up on 10 common faults in human thought processes.

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