Got a manly man in your life? One who isn’t afraid of pink? Check out these pink ties
This site brings macrame down to a whole new level. It’s thread drawings, and it’s pretty impressive.
Dylan Thomas’ DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT is always worth another read.
Want to learn more about the bizarre world we live in? I thought so.
Travel in good style with these awesome airline perks.
Some artistic graffiti to round out the post.
Ok, I know I have found some interesting things that people do with ordinary stuff, but these webs takes the cake.
Love cheese? I mean really love it? Go check out the Grilled Cheese Academy.
Who doesn’t love miniatures? Especially when they are edible! Take a look at these tiny gingerbread houses.
Manufacturers sure post some weird information on their labels these days.
TV buffs, click away!
You will have to wait a bit for this site to fully load, but it is worth it. In the end, you get a 360 degree view of the Sistine Chapel that you can pan around and see the details. It is awesome!
Guest post from Alex Propst.
A few months ago, I got a satalite internet Michigan connection, and I absolutely love it. I’ve actually never had internet access at home before, so it’s really been an amazing help. One thing that I’ve discovered I like to do is manage my photos online. It really saves on hard disk space, and plus I can share them with others easily and efficiently.
Sometimes, I’ll also use sites like Walgreens.com to upload and order prints made from my digital photos. It’s really actually convenient because I do it all at home. There are other sites that I use for strictly editing such as Picnik which does an amazing job. I really don’t have to go out and purchase photo editing software that I’ll use only occasionally.
When I want to upload photos and share with friends, I usually upload them to sites like Facebook and Flickr. They’re hands down my favorites to upload to. Facebook is already the number one social networking site, so I already have lots of friends there to share photos with. The other day, I even uploaded pictures of my puppy cuddling with my cat, Herald. It was so cute, and all my friends loved the pictures. I use Flickr to upload my significant pictures. When I’d like to retain quality, it’s great using Flickr. Now that I think about it, I really don’t know what I’d do without being able to manage my photos online with hughes satellite internet.
Ok, here’s a interesting look at a duck. I’ve never really been on eye level with one before.
This is a sweet story. I wonder if people will ever learn to treat each other the way this dog treats his friend.
This should be my motto. I ought to tell it to myself every day.
WTH? Seriously, I can’t quite figure this one out. But it’s interesting to look at.
Einstein’s Quiz. I’d like to try this some quiet day. And I’d like to challenge my bffs to tackle it with me!
Some brain food: free science documentaries.
Calling all you readers out there. Take a look at ManyBooks.
Hahahahaha. Political Hell!
Some people will take the fun out of anything, even a little child’s song. But it’s strikingly accurate, anyway. Itsy Bitsy Spider.
If I lost my dog, could this happen to me? It might almost be worth it!
Who says watching television isn’t beneficial? You can learn lots of stuff from movies. Really.
I know a couple of guys who would really enjoy looking at these strange guitars.
Ok, somebody, somewhere had to take this picture. Exactly WHERE was he/she standing?
Oh, this is awesome on several levels. It’s a tree that owns itself, and the story behind it.
This would be good in my mouth: avocado hummus.
Muhahahahahahahah. Click to embiggen so you can read it without straining. But if you have to strain, it’s worth it.
Fascinating in an absolutely grotesque kind of way. I gasped at the wonder of it until I realized what it was. And then I almost puked.
Ooooh, this would be refreshing: watermelonade.
Ready to enjoy your yard now that warm weather is here? Check out these patio chairs. And if it’s already to hot for you, fall is coming. I promise. Unless I’m wrong, which I could be.
Ever wonder what your beard has to say about you? Good for a giggle, unless you sport the Hitler.
Starry, starry night has become a cake! Kid you not! Click and see!
Do not try to look at this on a mobile phone! It’s hard enough to see it all on a laptop screen, but these watercolors are just stunning.
Some facts about Sweden. Consider it a follow up on the library picture I posted the other day
Bread, plus garlic, plus fancy. Nuff said.
Looking for a new toy? Check out Canon cameras. They have some sweet ones!
Got bananas? Here are 100 things to do with them. I had no idea it was possible to use them so many ways.
I like this blueberry story, and if you sit and think on it, it could just change the way you look at life and people.
Sometimes you just have to laugh, and this would be one of those times!
This is good for a giggle: Dough boy dies.
Muhahahahahaha! I love a quick thinker!
Wanna see a great big smile? These loose diamonds will make her eys shine!
Be very careful; danger is everywhere.
Some real sweet sounds for ya: Top 100 Jazz standards.
Oh wow. A bibliophiles dream!! I could certainly spend a few weeks here.
oooh, color photos from the early 1900s! How cool is that?
And this one? It’s just funny, I don’t care who you are—- Scrabble
Have you guys ever considered investing in gold? Using some extra cash to buy gold bullion, either as coins or ingots? According to the folks at the United States Gold Bureau, it’s a pretty solid investment. I know it’s pretty to look at, and you know the rich folks from the ancient world until now have used it as an adornment, but it seems unwieldy to carry around, yk? I’d be afraid I’d spend it by mistake, so I’d have to put it in a safe deposit box or something. I like the idea that it’s going up in value as readily available supplies dwindle, but I also wonder if man will come up with a near substitute, not so much in value as in beauty, like CZs are to diamonds. Yeah, you can tell the difference unless the horse is going by at a gallop, but *whisper* I always look. Always. And I judge. Cause that’s the way I am.
What else can we look at on the internets tonight? Let’s see, how about this: check. And check-mate, I’d say.
Hahahahaah! I just found emails from crazy people. Yep, you guessed: FEED READER! Too late, they aren’t posting new content. That sucks.
Oooh, lookie. Ways to torture people. I can think of some uses for these things!
An exercise in race confusion. Or futility. Or labeling. Or something.
Now folks, THIS is a tutorial.
Are you showing your age a little bit oe than you want to? Find out about wrinkle creams right there.
Find a new groove–radio stations online!
If I lived in a major metropolitan area, this would be awesome. If you do, check it out. It’s an email covering restaurants and happy hours and such such. And it’s free.
Here is another blog I added to my reader today, because this woman’s life is as hectic as mine, and sometimes reading about the insanity of other people’s lives makes me feel a little less overwhelmed. Also, really good pictures, planned, not just grabbed on the fly.
If you’ve ever wanted to hold nature in the plams of your hands, you have got to see this rainbow book.
Kids, this one is for you. I don’t want to hear anymore about how rough you have it as you clutch your cell phone and diddy-bop down the street in your designer clothes. Just sayin’
Well, today, I kinda made myself a promise. I made myself a lifelist, and while several of the items on it might possibly involve lingerie, it won’t be required. Just sayin’ *BLUSH*
Ok, and maybe these ribs for my next party, along with the cake balls from the last post.
Here is an article on how to enjoy classical music. Beyond, like, Peter and the Wolf and stuff.
Bwahahahahhaha. This guy is smart, real smart: Dallas Clayton!
We should all read this, it’s that important.
Not all toilets are created equal. Seriously.