Motorhome repairs and other stuff


So, yeah, I do sorta have a little camper thingie. And, yeah, it’s absolutely broken. Yeah, I plan to do some motorhome repairs to render it useable. And then I will be able to haul enough stuff to stay out in the woods for more than just a long weekend. How sweet will that be?

Oh snap! If you want a real blast from the past, no matter how long ago your “back in the day” refers to, visit The Time Machine. Rock on, ya’ll.

Crazy didn’t start yesterday. And there are some explanations that just won’t be coming. Look anyway, it’s just weird.

What are all those different spices good for anyway?

Ooh, here are some neat drawing and photography mixes.

And another look at the brave new world that didn’t come to pass. Yet.

Sweaters and other stuff


Just in case it is actually fall where you live, check out these sweaters.

I’m not looking at sweaters quite yet, but I am reading a lot about biking.

And also hiking.

And camping.

Because this girl wants to get off her fanny and do stuff.

I’m also shopping for rain gear because it is the rainy season here. And by that, I mean over 12 inches in the past 36 hours. Dang, that’s wet.

Better check out the life jackets, too! Just in case the house doesn’t float, ykwim?

Rebecca Minkoff handbags and other stuff


Hey, girlie girls, take a look at these Rebecca Minkoff handbags. Could you carry one of those for a while?

True love comes in all shapes and sizes, I guess.

Did they really say that? Yep, all your favorite lefty crazies, lined up one by one. I’m sure there’s an equally absurd list of righty quotes somewhere.

Absolutely LOVE what vlingo does for my phone!

Homemade chicken nuggets. Seriously, does it get any better than chicken nuggets.

Awwww, this is so stinkin’ cute!

Kohler kitchen sinks and other stuff


Need a new sink? I sure do, because my faucet is worn out and leaking. This time, I want one of those high faucet Kohler kitchen sinks so I can get my big posts under there. And also the coffee pot if the dishes get a little backed up.

ROFL!! Never say people aren’t crazy.

Umm, cheese. And bread. Bread with cheese. OMGoodness, let’s go to the kitchen right now!!

This is just an eye-opener. It shows some transformations movie stars have made for different roles they’ve played, but the more subtle lesson for me was about how much of a changeling we all are.


ROFL! A.A. Milne as diagnostic psychologist!

Equestrian Clothing and other stuff


Got a new four footed ride? Maybe you oughta get some new equestrian clothing to dud yourself out in!

Check out this new resource on Shakespeare. Thanks to Cate Newton for pointing it out to me!

Here are some interesting photos that merge yesterday with today. I have an affinity for black and white shots, so I really liked what they did with these.

Some, umm, interesting laws. About sex.

Aerial photography. Man, there are some great shots here!

S’more cookie bars. These look divine. I have to clean the keyboard now!

A Star? Who Me?


Guest post written by Derick Burks

I cannot believe this just happened! I just got back from the Country Music Television Awards! I am shaking right now because I cannot believe it just happened. I need to turn on my satellite tv dvr to see if I can see myself in the program!

Long story short, I won a pair of tickets and a makeover to the Country Music Television Awards. I entered a contest on a local radio station and voila! I was made into an over night celebrity. I actually got to walk the red carpet and sit next to people I hear on the radio and see on TV! I was so in awe that when Kenny Chesney came by me, I almost passed out.

Normally, I love watching the show on TV but, it was such a different experience up close. I felt like I was attending an exclusive party with friends because everyone is so nice. And I must say, Nicole Kidman is super tiny in real life but, even more beautiful. The award show itself was really interesting to see how much time has to be allotted for a live broadcast and commercials.

I had a blast but, I am not sure if I could go to a live show again because I really enjoy watching the CMT awards from the comfort of my own home.

Supplements for weight loss and other stuff


Feeling a little over stuffed after those foodie links last week? Check out some supplements for weight loss

This is just cool. And how’d they do that, anyway?

If you like Norman Rockwell, you just gotta see this, period.

Love this poem so much that I read it to my friend.

Never hurts to brush up on the Constitution, now does it?

And more piece of written beauty.

Staying In Touch With The Internet


This guest post from my friend Frank Randle

Since my husband is in the Marines, we are often moving all across the world. Currently we are in Okinawa, Japan, where we should be for the next 2 years. We are both from St. Louis, Missouri, where both of our moms, dads, and all of our family still live. I miss them, and so does he. Luckily there are plenty of ways we are able to stay in touch with the Internet.

We have hughesnet Satellite Internet, which helps us so much. My husband and I both have accounts with the popular social-networking Web sites Facebook and Myspace. It is great to post new pictures of us and the kids where everyone can see them. Plus, we can post other updates on our life and what the kids are doing.

We also have telephone service using the Internet. It allows us to call the states for one low price. This is so helpful, because without it, the expense of calling from Japan to the United States would be too much. Now we can both call as often as we like without any worries!

Under Eye Cream and other stuff


I am up way too late blogging tonight. I may need some under eye cream if I keep this up.

Here are 40 ways to download music. And they are legal. Sweet, right?

Umm, ya’ll. Self-frosting cupcakes. With nutella. I love nutella, with all it’s chocolate nut goodness. And I love cake. So there ya go!

Spooky has a page, because Spooky is a cat. And a cat deserves a page. I am sure you will agree with Spooky.

There are people you just shouldn’t date, and writers may be among them. You decide.

These are simply beautiful. And if they remind you of the song “Paper Roses“, it is purely coincidental.

Human Growth Hormone Supplements and other stuff

Don’t get caught short like me, try these human growth hormone supplements, lol. Actually, I’ve read some interesting theories about HGH.

Also, do you believe goats can climb trees? Believe it.

More bookshelves. I love books. Can you tell?

Sex porn, yarn porn, book porn and yes, food porn. Dang, it’s hard to be good, isn’t it?

A very useful stitch guide, for when you want to stitch stuff.

Go, explore. But be sure to read the quote before you click enter!

Watching Movies on Demand


Guest Post by Zach Watson

When the sun goes down and the lights dim it is time to watch the magic that appears in that obscure box sitting in your living or family room called the television. Beginning with network channels the medium has grown to include every kind of genre imaginable especially the ability to watch movies on demand on direct TV whenever you wish. Most films are readily available immediately after their theatrical run and before they are released on DVD.

One of the best recent films I have seen is “Law Abiding Citizen” with Gerard Butler and Jamie Fox. This movie was an original thriller about a normal man who sees his family murdered by two thugs and the lack of justice imposed by the system. Gerard Butler plays the victim and Jamie Fox the District Attorney. What made this film unique and in my estimation original, was that Butler was much more than just a normal family man. It turns out he was a master tactician at assassination and what he does in the course of the movie is amazing.

He begins by humbly accepting the verdict imposed by the thugs who killed his family. Then the movie moves ahead ten years to the prison where one of the convicted murderers is about to be executed. The execution goes horribly awry and it turns out that the chemicals were switched. Next Butler captures the other killer and viciously tortures him. He turns himself in and goes to prison for the murder. While in prison, more murders keep happening and toward the end of the movie the only person left from the original trial alive is Jamie Fox.

It turns out that Butler was the one getting revenge solely on those responsible for the injustice he suffered by digging a tunnel out of the prison from his cell. Of course Jamie Fox finds the tunnel and the ending of the movie was predictable. That was the only part of the film I was disappointed in but other than the ending, I would highly recommend this film as a taut engaging thriller.

Blackheads and other stuff


Got blackheads? Find out how to get rid of them.

Towards a more *ahem* colorful vocabulary.

You totally have to see this. Scroll all the way down, picture by picture, for a natural oceanic mosaic. Really neat!

You know, there’s a certain breed of man or woman that stands head and shoulders above the rest, no matter what their physical stature may be. They guard your right to talk trash about them, through the day and night, heat and cold, ever ready.

In the realm of what if, this would be a very cool toy.

Beautiful pictures, which I will not attempt to understand, but am just content to enjoy.

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