Same story, different day: phentirmene 37.5mg. I think that’s misspelled, but my spell checker isn’t highlighting it, so. And btw, I always misspell misspelled.
These pictures are cool. They are all of eyes, but like macro. The irises are textured, it’s so close up.
I am not sure if I like this poem or not. It is disturbing.
Just in time for Halloween, pumpkin portraits.
This is an interesting project, turning kid’s drawings into photographs.
Umm, ya’ll. If you ever wondered what it’s like to be in my head: loner.
Yep, back to our regularly scheduled programming: Lipofuze.
Did you know a new species is discovered in the Amazon every three days?
Hahahahhah. Well, this wouldn’t be very inspiring to me, but That One would probably like it.
The text is a little addled, but just look at the pictures: nautilus house.
Just pretty amazing.
Eclair cupcakes. Do I really need to say much more than that?
Something new ad different today: would you like to know how to get rid of blackheads on nose? There ya go.
Wow. This is certainly a very creative grocery list.
Homemade pop-tarts anyone? They certainly look yummy!
Need some homework help? This site looks interesting, but I haven’t actually tried it.
Oh, this is a cool shot! I wonder if the photographer was just in the right place at the right time, or if he staged it.
If historical events had facebook statuses. Yeah, it’s funny. Dare ya not to laugh.
Today’s first link will come as no surprise, I guess. We have quite the little theme going here this week. Month. Whatever. Here ya go: weightlossdietpills.net.
Oooh, listen to nature sounds while you….do whatever. Cool, huh? Pretty soothing.
These roadside attractions look like they might be worth planning a road trip for. And I am all about the road trip.
Muhahahahahahahaha! AND now you know why I haven’t made time yet to read Twilight.
You know, we never realize how destructive destruction is until we see it in color. What a sad, sad, waste.
Me in the morning. Seriously.
Everyday, right? You now what’s coming: quick weight loss tips!
I just love a beautiful picture, don’t you? And this one definitely qualifies. Look at those reds!
Snort. Guffaw. Giggle. The things people do for attention!
This might come in handy later, when I actually have enough stuff to post: webook.
Oh wow. He takes photos of strangers. And they let him. Sweet!
This is a neat photography idea, too. Yearly photographs.
Dang, I ought to take more pictures.
Feeling pudgy? I sure ask that a lot, don’t I? Anyway, today’s tip: quick weight loss. Just sayin’
I am so gonna use these exercises for story writers.
And this is page one of same.
And what about some poetry tips?
And some things to help generate creativity?
Can you tell I am gearing up for NaNoWriMo? So, yeah, I guess I did write this post for me! We’re good with that, right? Write!
And apparently, 73 is NOT more than 60, so I have to add some words here. That hacks me off, because I was so done with this post. Nor is 99. How many flipping words does it take? I’m on a schedule here!
Feeling a little pudgy lately? Got a spare tire around your middle like I do? Lookit these slimming wraps and see if you think they might help.
Oh, dang! These are beautiful: quilling. Just stunning, really.
I may have posted this one before, but if you want to get rid of that song in your head, just unhear it.
Well, yeah. True enough.
He sure looks ferociously hungry, doesn’t he?
You’re kidding me, right? These are just amazing! Go ahead, and click. It’s too amazing to explain.
If you are in the market for computer upgrades, go ahead and check out system memory at buy.com.
Now let’s see what we can find today, though I expect that after yesterday’s treasure, anything I find today will be a let down. Oooh, maybe not. Here’s a list of unsolved philosophical problems.
And this one is pretty good, too.
And this one is so my friend.
Oh, this is way cool, too.
So, how many of you are unemployed? Or maybe just under employed, like me? Check out these healthcare jobs.
I totally want to make these solar light jars for camping.
30 books to read before your thirty. Guess it’s too late for me, LOL!
Oh my word. This poem has haunted me since highschool, but I could never find it again. And here it is, The Look.
More cheesy food. Can you ever have too much of this? I don’t think so.
This is just interesting.
If you are a website owner, and you need more traffic, check in to this manual directory submission service. These are the guys that can get you placed where your links have some value, and you can spend your time creating content instead of trying to get links.
And in spite of what I just said about content, that’s all you get. As I said, it’s late and I am tired. Please forgive me.
Tonight, we are breaking with tradition, because I am tired. Very tired. I killed my first snake today and I burned a bunch of stuff and it is late and I want to go to bed. So I am just going to say that if you’ve got a newborn, you will eventually need 1st birthday invitations and you might as well start shopping early. Like now would be good.
So, if your house looks like mine, a new bath vanity or two could really spruce things up. I need seven, I think.
Depression era photos, in color.
Start here, and then continue browsing.
Some notes for the substitute teacher. I do wonder what’s in that drawer!
Oh, these are amazing. I want to take pictures like this some day.
It’s more than a rhetorical question, you know.