Auto Insurance Quotes and other stuff


Today, I have to get my finances in order. No such exercise is truly complete without getting a few auto insurance quotes, right?

Don’t look now, it’s an abominable snow monster!

Hmm, the ten best songs of 2009, it says. But I haven’t heard any of them.

This photoessay is entitled “The Most Alien Landscapes on Earth”, and the photographs are awe inspiring. Seriously, in a look-what-God-hath-wrought kind of way.

And this one, in a what-man-can-imagine kind of way.

And one more photo essay. All I can say here is “Wow. Just wow.”

Truck Accessories and other stuff

I know someone who sure would like the boy toys on this page: truck accessories.

StumbleUpon now lets you integrate with Facebook. Suh-weet! Now I can be Wonder Woman all over the internets.

Oh, this is fun. Watch a cartoon being drawn (more…)