Stumble, etc


Man, oh man, let me tell you upfront that this is a linkless post. My computer is out being repaired, and so I have to use Mama’s (who doesn’t have stumbleupon, and also doesn’t want me sitting on her computer all day) or the library’s (which also doesn’t have stumbleupon and also limits my time). Consequently, I spend very little time surfing, and no time stumbling, and that is why I am not posting.

Do not despair. I will return. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Gene Autry, etc


Gene Autry had a code of ethics. Also a bio here.

More quotes, but this time in blog form, so you get new ones every couple of days.

A collection of fairy tales. You can print them out from pdf’s. There are some nice old ones here.

Ooh, this page catalogs lots of Folklore, Myth and Legend resources. You could stay busy here for years.

Funny, unless you happen to be easily offended: Customer Service Calls to God

What a neat idea. No, seriously. Go look at it! Notice the barefoot part!

huntersmoon.jpg , etc


Gorgeous Moon!

Some great quotes. Believe it or not, “Dance like nobody’s watching” did not begin as a country song!

Yumm! Cheesy Garlic Biscuits. I love cheesy garlic biscuits. I love them so much, I would go to Red Lobster just for the bread!

Think you know what Shakespeare meant? Check again.

This picture happens to be worth about 100 thousand words. Or is that 700 billion?

Food carvings, totally cool!