Ok, think outside the box with me. Today’s neat thing is luggage. Do you know why luggage is neat? Becaue you can out your stuff in it and take it with you when you go somewhere. And otherwise, you;d have to buy all new stuff when you get there. And that would not be neat at all!
Have you ever lain on the floor and gazed at a timber ceiling? Me either, because everywhere I go, they close the ceilings in and hide the timbers. But in books, I have seen them, and admired the raw beauty of them, and thought how much I would love to have one. Today, I saw a website for a company that specializes in that type of construction, and ships nationwide. Vermont Timber Works makes all kinds of buildings, from residential to barns and churches. The galleries are stunning, so go check them out, if only for the pictures. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
places — Cass @ 4:40 pm
I am not quite sure what this is, because there aren’t any words on my screen, at least in FireFox. But, it’s neat even without words, so I am sharing it. Once you click on the link, move your cursor over the picture to activate it: Timelapse. There are 6 frames. Enjoy!
This neat thing is for those of you shopping for party goods, particularly baby shower themes. This store has got the cutest decorations! If you are planning a party, you must check them out. Start at my all time favorite, the Winnie the Pooh baby shower and just keep clicking. They also have birthday party supplies. And luau themes, and …ok, I’m stopping. But not before I post this picture, LOL!

places — Cass @ 4:39 pm
What a wonderful sport! I’m not talking about that game we play here, but the one they play everywhere else–the one we know as soccer! I was over on a site about the UK and saw some pictures of folks playing, and read a little about the English Premier League. Now, if I were to go check it out in person, I’d need to look for a hotel in London. BUT! The league also plays in other cities, so if I was not able to find anything there, I could also book a Manchester hotel. Or even a hotel in Birmingham, so I could check out Cadbury World, which I think might just qualify for a neat post of it’s own! Or maybe a wee segment over on my travel blog!
I found the neatest blog today! MidWestHorse is a blog written by two horse owning mid-western gals. The pictures are wonderful, and the information is great, too. And one if them wants to take a bath alone. She’s a woman after my own heart, LOL!
They have some nice links in the sidebar, too!
This neat thing is something with which most of you will agree. When I shop online, this sign is sure to make me smile. It the paypal logo. See, I much prefer to use paypal than to pull out a credit card. If I’ve lost you, you can see what I am talking about a HandsOnTools. That sell everything from tool storage to flashlights, and I can pay for all of it with my mouse.
Simple, elegant, understated. All qualities I greatly admire in both persons and personal adornments, and which are exemplified by these Skagen watches. These would make delightful gifts for someone you love, or for yourself. After all, no one loves you like you do, right? Hehehe, I didn’t think so. After all, I am the only one who truly believes I am worth my weight in gold!
This neat thing will save you some money! TechPalooza is an internet store that specializes in computer products. They have hardware, software, peripherals, and accessories. (They also carry other consumer electronics–televisions, cameras, radios, and the like). They just turned a year old, so they are celebrating by offering free shipping. I did some comparison shopping there today, and they do have good prices, so be sure to give them a lookie-loo before you buy.
You may already be familiar with them as Technology Paradise, but if you aren’t, you’ll like their formula High quality + Affordable prices + Speedy shipping = Happy Customers. Check them out!
food — Cass @ 8:29 am
Today’s neat thing is for people who cook, and also for people who shop for food. And quite possible for people who eat, and I think that covers just about everybody, doesn’t it? It’s chefs.com recipes! The front pageof this site is a winner. You’ve got your whole grain goodies (and they do look good), your veggies (including a stir-fry) and your staples (mac and cheese!!) right there. And at the bottom, links to the recipes people search for most often.
I really like the expandable menus in the sidebar. You can see it all at a glance, but you can also navigate from baking to cheesecakes in just a couple of clicks.
culture — Cass @ 11:06 am
Today’s neat thing is friendship, and how this time we live in has redefined that word. Modern telecommunications equipment makes it possible to have friends that we have never seen. For instance, my most of my friends live hundreds of miles away, and yet I speak to them more often than I do my next door neighbor. Especially as more and more people are isolated for whatever reason (fear, insecurities, weird work schedules), telecom equipment is becoming the fencepost of yesteryear.
So tell me, do you have more IRL friends or more internet friends?
“Make new friends, but keep the old,
One is silver and the other gold.”
If you were a girl scout, or your daughter is a girl scout, you probably recognize those words. That’s because the making and keeping of friends is as important to your personal happiness as the acquiring of good investments is to your financial happiness. In fact, I’d go so far as to say friends are an investment in your future. Just like gold and silver are buried and hard to find, so are good friends. And just like metal is purified by heat, so the heat and pressures of life reveal the true nature of people.
There is one difference though. You can purchase silver as an investment, but no one worth their salt can actually be bought.