food — Cass @ 10:38 pm
Today’s neat thing is a calorie counter. Now, don’t you groan and think I am going to go on and on about dieting and what not. That’s not where I am going at all. Instead, I am going to talk about calories in general. You need a certain amount of calories to function, and that amount is determined by a variety of factors, including age, current weight, desired weight and activity level. Here’s what I know that most people don’t (or don’t remember when they go on a “diet”). Eating too few calories can actually cause you to gain weight!
The site the counter is on is called My Fitness Pal, and it is a free site. Whether you need to lose weight, maintain, or even gain (yeah, I know, but there are some folks out there like that), you can use the calorie counter to make sure you are on the right track.
I read about a service today that I thought was pretty neat. When I have moved, I have always done it myself, because of cost and confusion. Looking in the yellow pages just left me with more questions than answers concerning professional movers. Service Network can help you find long distance moving companies. All of their moving companies go through a strict application process, and they are licensed and insured. Prices are discounted up to 65% through them, and they also have a dispute resolution process to assist customers who come across problems with their move. See? Safe, Sane, and Neat.
places — Cass @ 5:10 pm
There are lots of places online where you can find good deals on hotels. What makes so neat, is that it focuses only on bed and breakfasts and you can search by area, for instance Maine bed and breakfast. I have never stayed on a B&B, but I would love to do so, and plan to one day, just as a treat to myself. I digress. Other top destinations areas include Asheville, NC and Charleston, SC, but you can search by state, and then narrow down your results from there.
Whodda thunk it? When I read budgeting software, I thought I would have an opportunity to talk about personal finance, which is an area I have come experience in, being both human and in possession of (meager) finances. Haha, joke’s on me. This is a business solution, and I have no idea how it works. Some days are like that, I guess.
We all gotta write, right? man, I almost took off on a wild and crazy right/write tangent just for a giggle, but! I decided against it. It got confusing even for me, LOL! Anyway, the point is if we do not wish to prick our finger and scrawl our words in blood, writing implements are the way to go. After all, engraved pens are certainly easier to master than the stylus and clay tablet. A bit more permanent, too.
Here are some helps for sharing your faith with non-believers. 40 Objections lists common objections along with suggested responses. There is a wealth of information on this site, apart from the objections. Check out the part on Bible Difficulties, too. I haven’t read all of it, so be sure and use your own discernment.
I’m getting it together. I’m going through my drafts folder and weeding it out. A lot of the posts belong somewhere else, and so I am putting them where they belong. I’ve got so much stuff in there that I can’t find the stuff that actually belongs here. I guess today’s neat thing is having an abundance of post ideas.

Here’s a neat organizing tool for you. Most people think of pegboards as something you can only use in garages for guy tools, but I think this stainless steel metal pegboard would look great in the kitchen to hold pots. You (I) could hang it over the stove to keep the pots handy and save cabinet space. I like the look over overhead racks for this, too, but at only 5 feet tall, that would put my pots out of reach, LOL!
The OTR.Network Library is a free resource for Old Time Radio (OTR) fans. They have over 12,000 OTR shows available for instant listening, with 100 more added each week. OTR.Network Library (The Old Time Radio Network) has favorites from Abbott and Costello to Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Grab a cuppa, plug in the headphones, and walk back in time!
I have been in an army surplus store exactly once in my life, and it was fascinating. I’ve been in the army and they had stuff in that store I had never even seen. Now I’ve seen one online, and thought it was neat enough to share here. At Army Navy mall, you’ll find cool military gear, and other cool stuff as well.
They have plenty of camouflage camping gear and also survival books. If you have a military or camping enthusiast (read that BOY) on your gift list, do yourself and them a favor, and stop here. This girly-girl saw a few things seh’d interested in, too 😉
You’ll find some great quotes at Individualism. And once you get through reading those, check out the menu on the left sidebar. If you like quotes as much as I do, plan to stay awhile. better yet, go back repeatedly, because it’s too much to absorb in one sitting!
So, from now on, when I need to talk about something like IBM memory, that probably doesn’t qualify as “neat”, I’ll do it on Saturday. Monday through Friday, all neat, all the time, at least to me. Saturday, who knows? They say you get what you pay for, and reading the blog is still free. Writing it, however, is another story all together.