

This is a marvelous site devoted to paintings. There are currently 173 Matisse, 221 O’keefe, 498 Degas and 629 Picasso, with bios, quotes, etc., and the site owner says more are coming. Artst is a great resource already, but I’m interested to see what is added.

Put on some classical music, get a glass of wine, and take your own private tour of the gallery.

Room Planner


Today’s neat thing is the room planner at You can use it to arrange furniture in rooms, and see how it will look when you are done. The rooms and the furnishings are all resizable, so it is really adaptable. They also sell Coaster furniture there, among other brands, and you’ll find the link to the room planner in the left sidebar.

MVP Card


Today’s neat thing is the Food Lion MVP card. I used mine today to save over $163 on a bill that would have totaled $637. The thing is like a transfer tank. It just sits quietly in you wallet taking up a very small amount of space, but it will save your bacon when you use it. Bacon, groceries– haha, very punny.

Diet Comparison


This page offers a comparison for several different diet aids. I suppose if one is going to use such things, it would be neat to have a diet comparison. My suggestion is still to eat whatever you want in moderation and add some exercise to your daily agenda. I think that’s far healthier for long term results.

Trivia Challenge

Trivia Challenge is a cool way to spend a few minutes of your day. You play until you miss three questions in a row. The questions have points assigned according to their difficulty. You can achieve your fifteen minutes of fame by making one of the high score lists–they have them for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly high scorers. My score of 595 netted me 0 minutes, LOL!

Loft Bed


This is a totally neat thing. This is the first loft bed I have see with 3 bunks! I really think this is a great option, and would be awesome in tight quarters. I’ll admit it may not be as neat to some of you as it is too me. But some of you aren’t trying to fit 10 people into 1600 square feet, either. Since this is my list of neat things, I’m listing it!



The Schmap Player is a small and easy-to-use piece of freeware. Use the guides (also free) to explore and go on virtual tours. The Schmap – Dynamic Travel Guides include photos of cities around the globe. You can also use them to find places to eat or stay and things to do. I have to tell you that it did cause a bit of a lag on my computer, but it was also worth it.

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Maybe necessary is enough

Of course, I guess if it’s necessary, you need it, and then finding it is neat?? An my kids think they are pretty neat toys. And if you have an asthmatic child, then it’s a pretty neat thing to have around. I’m talking about stethoscopes, and when you need one, a toilet paper roll is a pretty poor substitute.

Free Old Time Radio Shows


This is a site that will take you way back. – Old Time Radio Shows includes such vintage hits as Benny Goodman and Educating Archie. You’ll find dramas, mysteries and variety shows, as well as music and comedies.

They have Gunsmoke, ya’ll!

Teacher Helps


Neat stuff here for teachers (homeschoolers too). This is a portal to internet libraries, newspapers and more. You don’t have to be a teacher to enjoyTeacherXpress – The Education Web . Anyone who enjoys the written word will find a worthy playground here.



This site is not in English, but it does have videos of ballets. DANZA TV – Danza classica e balletto will give you the opportunity to see scenes from several different ballets, including a couple with the great Nureyev. You can also view other forms of dance such as modern jazz and tap, but it is the magical ballet that keeps me coming back.


I discovered this site via my sons’ scouting. teaches kids and adults all about the food pyramid and how to make healthy food choices. You can enter your own personal characteristics and it will spit out a food chart specifically for you. There is also helpful information on activity levels. Healthy eating and activity now is probably neater than phentermine later.

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