Being prepared is always a neat thing, and these emergency kits totally can help you be ready for just about anything. The kits include over 100 items, and none of them require batteries or electricity. The backpacks are very well organized with 5 separate smaller bags inside the larger Backpack. Items range from heavy work gloves to a good-sized first aid kit. They even include a pack of cards to help pass the time!
places — Cass @ 6:36 am
From underwater to high in a tree,
There are plenty of weird hotels to see.
Yes, I made that up, LOL!
You will enjoy this site that describes Unusual Hotels of the World. You can navigate by icon or by interactive map. If you don’t like those options, you can look in the left sidebar and find them by “wow ratings”. Do check out the underground/caves category for a start.
This collection of ballerina photos is a tribute to great ballerinas.The Ballerina Gallery – Ballet Photos includes dancing greats from Eleonora Abbagnato to Svetlana Zakharova with biographical info accompanying each dancer’s photos. The site’s owner has also published pictures of some of his memorabilia.
Here is a site with many photos. So many in fact, that I almost put it on my photography blog. Because the site also includes a good amount of information about the culture, people, flora and fauna, I have elected to put it here instead. Whether you just want eye-candy, or want to learn something about Greece, this is a neat place to start.
Technorati Tags: Greece
PSA — Cass @ 5:38 pm
I’m not quite sure what I think of these Hoodia diet pills, and whether they are neat or not. I am sure they are better for you than the amphetamines you used to be able to buy as “diet aids”. Nonetheless, this warning is for hypoglycemics like myself. Hoodia acts like glucose in the body. That can wreak havoc with an already precarious blood sugar level. Just to be balanced, I will also tell you that fenugeek has the same effects, as I discovered when I took it to help increase my milk supply.
Technorati Tags: Hoodia
humor — Cass @ 5:20 pm
This a a funny site, filled with sound clips to pay when you need/want to get off the phone. Sorry, Gotta Go will get you released from even the most tenacious of telemarketers. This one has to be my favorite, but I giggled at all the ones I listened to. That is one incredible phone number! I’m sure you will laugh, too.
There are maps on this site from the earliest time to the present. These would be useful for teaching as well as personal study. With such an extensive variety, it would be easy to show the changes in areas over time (think colonies of the US, etc). You could also mark up the plainer maps in conjunction with history studies.
Each time segment has a clickable index of places, a handy feature for finding the specific area you wish to study.
money — Cass @ 4:25 pm
This credit card is neat, but not for the reasons you probably think. Sure, it’s got 0% interest until December 2007, but that’s not what caught my eye. The MINT credit card was introduced in 2003, and qualifies as a neat thing because of the shape. For the first time in 37 years of UK credit cards, the shape is not rectangular. It looks like this:

Mint also offers gift cards in this shape, which are pre-paid credit cards and can be used almost anywhere. Now, if you prefer plain credit cards, they have those, too. But with a neat shape like this, why not carry something fun?
Technorati Tags: MINT credit card
Today’s neat thing is for all you techno philes. UtterlyGeek discusses cool apps and cool products, among other things. You don’t have to be into the latest in computer hardware to enjoy this site, because it covers all kinds of new and neat stuff. Recent entries include magnetic primer paint as well as this monitor mirror. If it’s geeky, this site covers it, and that’s just neat.
humor — Cass @ 10:21 am
Let’s mix this up a little bit: I want you to show me a neat thing! I am having a terrible time with insomnia and sleep deprivation lately, and it’s beginning to really wear on me. I think actually sleeping would be far better for me than guzzling down an energy drink, so please let me know your best neat trick for getting a good night’s sleep!
Technorati Tags: insomnia, sleep deprivation
Generate a custom packing list for any journey! The Universal Packing List offers a several menus that you use to tell it about your trip, and then generates a packing list for you. It considers the length of the trip, whether or not you’ll be doing laundry, what kind of transportation you’ll be using and the ages of your children, among other things. You can get all items, most items, just normal items, no unnecessary items or just critical items. And they’ll send your packing list to your email if you tell them too!
Technorati Tags: packing list
Here at SixNeatThings, we love all things Celtic. We like the stories, we like the music, we like the festivals, we just have an affinity for the Celtic. We have even been known to embellish our hand knitted items with Celtic Knots. I was excited to see a site this morning called Celtic Hills. They have a neat collection of Celtic things including many versions of the Celtic cross. Check out the Irish Blessing Cross at the bottom of the page.
My the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand
This has always been one of may favorite blessings, and it is today’s neat thing.