

Here’s another neat way to find the music you want when you want it.Radio Locator allows you to find radio station web pages by location, as well as by call letters. You can also search for streaming audio from radio stations. They have links to over 10,000 pages and more than 2,500 audio streams. The audio streams are searchable by format, so you can get just the sound you love.



The world’s largest flashcard library is a great resource for learning anything. A quick glance at the title, Flashcard Exchange, may lead you to believe that this is just for little people, but with categories like philosophy, biochemistry and genetics, it quickly becomes obvious that there is more than kid stuff here. If you need something they don’t already have, the site lets you create your own flashcards. They are downloadable and printable as well if you purchase a membership which costs 19.95 for a lifetime.

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High Yield Savings Accounts


Being financially savvy is important in today’s economy. Job security is a thing of the past, and downsizing can happen to just about anyone it seems. Except me: it’s too dag-gone hard to replace a mother of 8 with a cheaper overseas counterpart.

It’s important to think make sound financial choices. A nest egg can make the difference between managing to keep afloat and immediate disaster when life hands you a nasty little surprise. One way to do that is to start a high yield savings accounts now, before you need it. You can find information on this and other types of accounts at emoneycentral. They have info on Certificates of Deposit and Money Market accounts, too. A neat thing you can do there is search for high interest rates at community banks and credit unions in your state. That way you’re money will be close by should you need it.

Fairy Tales

This collection of Fairy Tales from Anderson, Twain and Aesop. features not only the tales themselves, but also mini biographies of the authors. Be aware that the sidebar navigation is broken, and takes you to “under construction”. Just click the author pictures on the home page to get to the bios and stories.

I wish there were more here, as the idea behind the site is great, and if it lived up to that wonderful sidebar, it would be fantastic. Unfortunately, I am not holding out great hopes since the copyright is 2002. Nonetheless, what’s there is neat, and should be enjoyed.

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My friend Suni shared this site with me. You enter your birthday, and it returns a verse for you. Mine is Luke 7:27

This is the one about whom it is written: “’I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’

What a wonderful affirmation! I like this idea of a BirthVerse, and I think I will do something with that for my children’s birthdays this year. Wouldn’t that be neat in a frame? It wouldn’t have to be fancy. You could write it nicely on a 3×5 index card, perhaps with a fancy pen. Add a sticker to illustrate it if you have one that’s appropriate and put it in an inexpensive frame, and it would still be a treasure.

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Ever wonder how models get so beautiful? This is a timelapse videos of a Dove soap model. On it, you see how they take a rather plain looking woman and through make-up and computerized photo editing turn her into someone drop-dead gorgeous. It’s a real eye-opener. The Dove commercial should be mandatory viewing for your preteens and teens.

Valentine’s Gift Baskets


I want to tell you a little about Valentines Gift Baskets. Now, there are lots of places where you can get gift baskets delivered to your sweetie. No doubt about that. So, just having nice baskets is not what makes this site neat. What makes this site a neat thing is that they will allow you to pick and choose to make a very personalized gift basket filled with the delicacies that your sweet heart loves the most. These personalized Valentines Baskets are the most unique ValDay gifts available and they just scream “I thought about you long before I got off work today, unlike last year when I had to grab wilted flowers because in truth I was lame and forgot again.” Because this year, you aren’t going to forget. Right?

Chocolate Recipes


The picture alone makes this page a neat thing. What I have discovered for you is a recipe page. And. it’s. all. chocolate. It’s part of the Gourmet Chocolate of the Month Club website, but you don’t have to buy anything to cook up one of these tasty treats. Pure decadence in chocolate form. Cakes, candies, and cookies begin the list, and it continues right on through pies and puddings.

Paper Cut


This is another stunning site of visual arts. I cannot find the artist’s name, though I assume it must be Peter from the URL. Nor does he describe his tools, beyond stating that he uses plain A4 paper. It is hard to believe the amount of detail he has achieved, nor the patience which must be required to work in so fragile a medium. I think my favorite piece is All in All, but it’s a hard choice. Paper Cut is guaranteed to leave you slack-jawed.

Strange But True


Today’s site is a quick read, unless like me, you are just dumbfounded by some of the items and have to sit and think a bit before you can go on. Interesting Real Facts will give you plenty to chew on for the day, several laughs, and an IQ point or two.

When you get through there, check out the pages listed on this page. There’s plenty to see on this site.

Caveat: this site is heavily slanted toward Islam.

Me, Me and Me


And after this, I’ll be quiet about myself for a bit. I have just one thing more to tell you about, and it’s a fun and easy meme that I am hosting on DigiCass. It’s called Self-Portrait Sunday, and it’s just that: snap a photo of yourself, and post it. Link back with the button. Leave a comment, too, so others know you are playing and can come see you :)

Seamless Pictures


First go get coffee. Then come back and click. These are fantabulous pics, by the artist Rob Gonsalves. Seamless pictures will amaze your eyes and confound your mind. I’d link you to my favorite, but I can’t choose. Enjoy!

Hat tip: the amazing Skeet

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