music — Cass @ 12:51 pm
The radio in my van has developed a split personality, so DH has asked me for an MP3 player. I’m thinking Christmas, so I have a bit of time to catch a good sale. In the meantime, I found this cool MP3 player guide. There are about a bazillion models of players listed here, and you can click through to read reviews which cover things like battery life expectancy as well as product features. You can use this to compare models in your price range, which is just what I plan to do!
music — Cass @ 1:25 pm
Unheard Beethoven is a site dedicated to making Beethoven’s unrecorded works available and accessible to the public. All you need to enjoy these under appreciated works are a computer, and internet connection and a sound card. You won’t find your old favorites here, but there are presently over 12 hours of Beethoven’s music that you can’t find anywhere else. Headphones optional 😉
music — Cass @ 1:30 pm
OperadiO is a great resource for learning just a bit about opera, or for hearing old favorites. The selection is great here, and you will learn a lot. I’ve never cared much for opera myself, but I probably should familiarize myself with at least a few, in the interest of being a well-rounded person.
music — Cass @ 6:36 am
Remember those songs you grew up singing in church? You can find those old favorites and many more at The Cyber Hymnal. NOt only can you find lyrics, but you can also hear midi files of many of the songs. And don’t let the word “hymnal” throw you off either, because there are gospel songs here as well. Go on over there and sing!
music — Cass @ 8:35 am
Sarah McLachlan breaks it down for us. World on Fire is an awesome video, and I promise it will inspire you. The song is beautiful, and the thoughts behind it are just as lovely. It’s nice to see a star doing more than pay lip service to social change.
music — Cass @ 5:04 pm
These Irish Song Lyrics are presented by the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. Featuring music from the British Isles and bands such as The Dubliners, The Corries, The Wolfe Tones, and The Clancy Brothers, the site is sure to please anyone who enjoys celtic music. Streaming audio means fun.
music — Cass @ 12:51 am
Here is a marvelous collection of classical music. Classic Cat – the free classical mp3 directory has links to over 4000 classical performances. Just search by composer, and then by work. A brilliant way to sample different composers and find your favorites. I’m enjoying George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue as I type
I would not have considered him to be a classical composer, as his work does has neither the heaviness nor the majesty I expect when I think classical. It’s actually a fun piece.
Technorati Tags: classical music, Classic Cat
music — Cass @ 10:37 am
Here’s another neat way to find the music you want when you want it.Radio Locator allows you to find radio station web pages by location, as well as by call letters. You can also search for streaming audio from radio stations. They have links to over 10,000 pages and more than 2,500 audio streams. The audio streams are searchable by format, so you can get just the sound you love.
music — Cass @ 9:02 am
If you like Celtic music or languages, this site is a must-see launch pad for you. Links to online radio programs and podcasts originating both here and abroad, including several varieties of Gaelic. Time is short for me today, or I’d be sitting here a good while, just listening to some Celtic WebRadio Sites.
music — Cass @ 9:33 pm
This is interactive webRadio. At Musicovery: interactive webRadiothere are several genres of music available, including gospel and classical. You can further refine the selections by mood: calm, energetic, dark, positive. It’s further refineable by date. You know, some of that old gospel music?? It’s rockin’ stuff! I spent several pleasurable late night moments here.
music — Cass @ 7:12 am
This site would be a great resource for anyone doing a self-study of classical music, or someone teaching classical music without extensive training in that area (can we say Home schooler, boys and girls?)
Essentials of Music contains brief biographies of 60plus composers, overviews of the 6 main eras of classical music and a glossary of 200 musical terms, many with audio examples.
The site is maintained by the sellers of essential classics, but the info is FREE.
music — Cass @ 7:12 am
I came back to today, and I am now listening to streaming audio! My favorite thing about this site has got to be the music. There are 20 songs, and these are full songs, not snippets. There’s lots more, including pics and video, and a few downloads, not of music, but of icons, wallpapers and such. To get to the music, click the link above. When you get there, Click the pic of Johnny. Another window will open, and there will be music. That window has a big pic of Johnny as well. Look above the picture and see a tab that says “menu”. Click on that, Johnny’s pic will go away, and you can then explore the site. Clicking audio will get you to the 20 songs.