This site contains 34 optical illusions, including a few Eschers, and some classics. You may or may not choose to visit this site when you are tired. I found on my visit that tiredness added quite a bit to the level of trickery. Number 26 is especially amusing late at night ![:)](http://www.sixneatthings.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)
On this site, you can find quotes for just about anything.
Quotiki allows youu to search by tag, author, and more. You can save, submit and rate quotes, too, once you have an account. The front page loads with the most popular quotes, and they are all gems.
Today’s spotlight is a bit different than you are used to from me. Instead of just spotlighting a site, I’m spotlighting an idea.
I like to know when I am spending money that I am doing more than lining the pockets of the big guy, and Belisi Fashions gives people a chance to contribute to a good cause. Now Belisi is a designer, and specifically a high fashion designer of ties, scarves and hand-bags. and every time you purchase a Belisi product, you put the finishing touch on a put-together look, while fighting poverty, protecting the environment, seeking justice and funding medical research.
That’s right, Belisi gives back. That’s a concept I can get behind, even if his clothing is a bit out of my personal reach.
Home of the magazine. Belongs in every category, so let’s put it in “just neat stuff”. National Geographic excels on the web just as it does in print. Pictures, articles, maps and more, just as you would expect. Enjoy! The interactives are particularly pleasing.
Click the photo you like better. When the brain turns pink, click it to see what it’s learned about you. It thought I was a man, but it was still fun. Photos you like better: you are what you like kept my kids aged 8 to 18 enthralled for quite some time. Not to mention me!
Magnet words for the refrigerator, only on-line. Each time you go to the site, it’s different, as the words are left like the last user positioned them. Fun! LiveWire Magnets will probably not allow you to creats a literary masterpiece, but it will give you something to do. Start fresh, or build on what the person before you did.
This is the neatest thing I have found in my years of internet-ing. You install the toolbar, give it a click, and viola–a cool new site to check out. I get alot of the sites you see on this site from that toolbar.
Find them at StumbleUpon