

Today’s neat thing is WalMart! After 25 years of hearing “WalMart is coming”, it is finally here. The store opened today, and I went tonight. We have a WalMart. In Bitty-burg, ya’ll!

Room Planner


Today’s neat thing is the room planner at You can use it to arrange furniture in rooms, and see how it will look when you are done. The rooms and the furnishings are all resizable, so it is really adaptable. They also sell Coaster furniture there, among other brands, and you’ll find the link to the room planner in the left sidebar.

Loft Bed


This is a totally neat thing. This is the first loft bed I have see with 3 bunks! I really think this is a great option, and would be awesome in tight quarters. I’ll admit it may not be as neat to some of you as it is too me. But some of you aren’t trying to fit 10 people into 1600 square feet, either. Since this is my list of neat things, I’m listing it!

Emergency Kits


Being prepared is always a neat thing, and these emergency kits totally can help you be ready for just about anything. The kits include over 100 items, and none of them require batteries or electricity. The backpacks are very well organized with 5 separate smaller bags inside the larger Backpack. Items range from heavy work gloves to a good-sized first aid kit. They even include a pack of cards to help pass the time!

Packing list


Generate a custom packing list for any journey! The Universal Packing List offers a several menus that you use to tell it about your trip, and then generates a packing list for you. It considers the length of the trip, whether or not you’ll be doing laundry, what kind of transportation you’ll be using and the ages of your children, among other things. You can get all items, most items, just normal items, no unnecessary items or just critical items. And they’ll send your packing list to your email if you tell them too!

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Celtic Hills


Here at SixNeatThings, we love all things Celtic. We like the stories, we like the music, we like the festivals, we just have an affinity for the Celtic. We have even been known to embellish our hand knitted items with Celtic Knots. I was excited to see a site this morning called Celtic Hills. They have a neat collection of Celtic things including many versions of the Celtic cross. Check out the Irish Blessing Cross at the bottom of the page.

My the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand

This has always been one of may favorite blessings, and it is today’s neat thing.




This is a public service announcement on motorcycle safety. Wear a helmet, because living is really neat, and you’d hate to cut that experience short. Wear clothing that will protect you from the bike muffler and from road rash in a crash, because scars are neat only in that “can be used to freak out small children” kind of way. Wear motorcycle sunglasses because being able to see is a really neat and really irreplaceable trick. Finally have fun, cause nothing’s neater than that!

Wheeled Baskets


I have to sing the praises of the new sterilite wheeled baskets. I am mentioning them on every applicable blog, because I really think they are all that ans then some. The baskets are sturdy, and they have wheels. They also have handles that you can turn to the top and make the baskets stackable. These are particularly useful as toy bins when kids share a room, since kids furniture tends to eat up a lot of floor space. I picked mine up at Dollar General for the princely sum of 4 bucks each for the toy bin size, and 8 bucks for the laundry hamper size.


Here are some fun quizzes. The site includes some history and science, as well as other areas, and there is stuff for all ages here. Fun Stuff: Memory Games, Brain Teasers, Trivia, IQ Quizzes and Puzzles also has links to career and personality inventories. Have a little fun, and get some useful knowledge, too. Be sure to check out the Art History quiz, and the common sayings unscrambler..

What time is it?


Use this handy map to check the time anywhere, just by moving your mouse! Time Zone Check is handy for when you need to call that cross country friend, or even one half way ’round the globe. This would also be great for explaining time zones to children, because the names of places change as you move across the map, along with the time zone abbreviations. I can never remember what the letters stand for, so I appreciate that.

Valentine’s Gift Baskets


I want to tell you a little about Valentines Gift Baskets. Now, there are lots of places where you can get gift baskets delivered to your sweetie. No doubt about that. So, just having nice baskets is not what makes this site neat. What makes this site a neat thing is that they will allow you to pick and choose to make a very personalized gift basket filled with the delicacies that your sweet heart loves the most. These personalized Valentines Baskets are the most unique ValDay gifts available and they just scream “I thought about you long before I got off work today, unlike last year when I had to grab wilted flowers because in truth I was lame and forgot again.” Because this year, you aren’t going to forget. Right?

Cash Rewards


Yes, I thought that might get your attention, LOL! We all like free money, now don’t we? This site promises to send you some, just for completing offers. I’ve dealt with several sites like this, and they do generally live up to what they promise. The key of course, is making sure you understand exactly what it is that they are promising.

Right now, there is a survey for cash with a worth $25 payout. That’s good money for a few answering a few questions..

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