This would be a neat site to bookmark, so you can refer to it as you are reading. So much literature referances mythology that I know you will find Mythography a handy resource. You will find Greek, Roman and Celtic myths and legends here. There are lexicons for words you may not know, and a forum to ask questions and share your views.
Neat stuff here for teachers (homeschoolers too). This is a portal to internet libraries, newspapers and more. You don’t have to be a teacher to enjoyTeacherXpress – The Education Web . Anyone who enjoys the written word will find a worthy playground here.
There are maps on this site from the earliest time to the present. These would be useful for teaching as well as personal study. With such an extensive variety, it would be easy to show the changes in areas over time (think colonies of the US, etc). You could also mark up the plainer maps in conjunction with history studies.
Each time segment has a clickable index of places, a handy feature for finding the specific area you wish to study.
Today’s neat thing is for all you techno philes. UtterlyGeek discusses cool apps and cool products, among other things. You don’t have to be into the latest in computer hardware to enjoy this site, because it covers all kinds of new and neat stuff. Recent entries include magnetic primer paint as well as this monitor mirror. If it’s geeky, this site covers it, and that’s just neat.
Downloadable grammars, readers, lexicons and dictionaries are the highlights at Classical Languages. They also have fora and study groups for budding linguists. Subscribing to the free newsletter will allow you to download answer keys and you can create free vocabulary courses via the vocabulary tool. A collection of study tools for New Testament Greek is also available. Start at the Beginner’s Center.
The world’s largest flashcard library is a great resource for learning anything. A quick glance at the title, Flashcard Exchange, may lead you to believe that this is just for little people, but with categories like philosophy, biochemistry and genetics, it quickly becomes obvious that there is more than kid stuff here. If you need something they don’t already have, the site lets you create your own flashcards. They are downloadable and printable as well if you purchase a membership which costs 19.95 for a lifetime.
Technorati Tags: flashcard library, flashcards
Ever wonder how models get so beautiful? This is a timelapse videos of a Dove soap model. On it, you see how they take a rather plain looking woman and through make-up and computerized photo editing turn her into someone drop-dead gorgeous. It’s a real eye-opener. The Dove commercial should be mandatory viewing for your preteens and teens.
This is a collection of animated educational websites for children. BrainPOP offers some free studies, and you can subscribe for even more. I think the subscription price is a bit steep, but you can enjoy the freebies for….well, free!
Squashed Philosophers condenses the works that have shaped western thought into “something like readable”. Beginning with Plato and ending with Sir Karl Popper, you can click on each person on the timeline to get squashed readings. Each one has an estimated reading time as well. At the top of the page are links to “Squashed Divines” (which contains The Epics of Gilgamesh among others) and “Squashed Writers” (which contains way to much to even attempt to list).
The Writer’s Resource Center has good information for writers. Whether prose or poetry, fiction or tech or anything in between, there are tips here to improve your craft. Also included are articles on selling your work. Great information here for all aspiring wordsmiths.
I found a page for you today all about gold production. It discusses open-pit mining. This page, from the same site, discusses the Chain of Custody of gold. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion. In all ages, man has been fascinated with the beauty and magic of gold, and with its power to change men’s lives. If all that info has you lusting after some gold of your own, you can get your bullion through Monex.
If you reduced the population of the earth to 100 people, yet kept them representative of the entire current population……….and put it into pictures, you’d have this. Excellent to show world societies in numbers the human mind can actually grasp. The Miniature Earth is a short movie with a big impact. It will make you grateful, I think.