And after this, I’ll be quiet about myself for a bit. I have just one thing more to tell you about, and it’s a fun and easy meme that I am hosting on DigiCass. It’s called Self-Portrait Sunday, and it’s just that: snap a photo of yourself, and post it. Link back with the button. Leave a comment, too, so others know you are playing and can come see you 

I’m just full of myself this week. Bear with me. LOL! I do truly think these are neat things, or I’d be hiding them under a bushel basket, right?
Today’s spotlight is on the Carnival of the Redeemed. This weekly carnival and it will be posted on Cass’s Midlife Musings. The dealine is Sunday evening for the issue that comes out the following Tuesday. I surely hope to see you there!

I’m not just talking about chicken here! I am hosting a blog carnival for Southerners. You know who you are, and I’d like to hear from you. You a can find more information at Southern Fried Carnival. The first submissions are due tonight, so hurry up! This is a weekly carnival so if you can’t make it today, don’t fret. I’ll leave the light on for ya!

I still like this site. You can choose categories of memes. If you go to the page today, a Tuesday, it automatically shows you the Tuesday memes. There are memes for every day of the week, monthly, anyday, one time, photo, writing, and even lost memes. I’ll be picking some of the photo ones for Digi-Cass. I’ll probably start using some of the other ones for my other blogs, because I like themes. The Daily Meme is a neat site for any blogger.
Today’s neat thing is a wordpress plug-in. It’s called Photopress, and this thing is sweet. I’ve been playing with it for a couple of hours, and it is finally tweaked to my standards over at CassKnits! I did have a bit of trouble at first getting it to put the photos in a location where they could be found easily, but because the thing is infinitely customizable, I was able to look at my directory and file structure and make the needed changes.
If you have a WordPress blog, this plugin is phantastical. If you don’t, you should get one just to use this plugin!
Based on what you all have said, and my own feelings, I am cutting back. We’ll have 6 neat things per week, and I’ll do a better job of writing them up. This will also mean that I have time to play on the sites I am recommending to you.
I’ll probably start Monday, and I’ll begin by going back over some of the sites I’ve already recommended.
Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate it. I was going to email you all, but I can’t do that, the emails come from yourname@noreply.blogger.com, and when I try to reply, I just get them back.
I’m off to change a few settings, now. See you Monday!
This policy is valid from 29 October 2006
This blog is written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact cass at cassknits dot com.
There are compensated posts on this blog, and those posts may not always be identified as paid postings within the posts themselves. While I am sometimes compensated for writing about certain topics, I will always give my honest thoughts. The views and opinions you read here are my own. Additionally, any article I write for this site will be about something that qualifies as a neat thing, whether I am compensated or not. Money is not enough to make a site or concept “neat”.
Welcome to Six Neat Things. Here I propose to share with you 6 neat things off the internet, each week. Why 6? Because I have to stop somewhere!