So, I am still in the throes of planning my kitchen that should have been finished weeks ago, and most likely would have been if I could make up my mind what I want. No, I look at counters and floor tiles and cabinets and start dithering and just won’t settle. Sigh, such is my way. I’m sure it’s very frustrating for those around me, because it frustrates me, too.

Let’s see: bread, potatoes, cheese. Sounds like something I could really love to eat. Check out these Cheddar Potato Knishes. And seriously, BrokeAss Gourmet? Gotta love it!

Muhahahaha! I’m just twisted enough to enjoy this bit of college humor!

Ok, it says watch closely, and be sire you do, because it took me three times before I could see the evidence.

Oh, this is cool. What a great way to say “I love America“!

I think we’d all do well to remember this.