and still no catchy titles. But I haven’t crossed it off my list either. Am I the only person here who has to schedule in time to think? I used to think a lot, and now I do, do, do. And surf the internett looking for cool sites to share!
Like these patio furniture covers. I had no idea people covered thier outdoor furniture. Here in redneck-ville, we call such covers “porches”.
This is amazing. So amazing that I am not giving you the original site, but rather the snopes low-down.
This one is for Beatrix Potter fans: Peter Rabbit.
Bunches of presidential videos here, including Bill Clinton making music. So much sax appeal, he has!
Daylight map. It’s current, as in, now. Use it to avoid annoying your overseas friends and relations with middle of the night phone calls.
Oh, this is neat. Kinda like an origami calendar. I’d make one, but it would last about 30 seconds here.