Socratic Method
Today’s neat-ness is an interesting discussion of the Socratic Method , used on 3rd graders. The Socratic method is a way of helping people find answers for themselves, and is very affective at any age for teaching. I also personally find it works great fro settling arguments. It’s hard to scream at someone while you are asking a question.
Angie said,
April 10, 2007 @ 3:07 pm
I really really want to take a look at the site you referenced, but your link is malformed.
I’ll check back later to see if you update it.
Cass said,
April 10, 2007 @ 3:15 pm
Angie, it’s fixed now. Thanks for letting me know
Drew said,
April 12, 2007 @ 2:48 am
Hi Cass I am attempting to expand the reach of PAD. I am commenting on each Postie Blog that is listed on the Linky List. I have a sidebar widget that many people have decided to put on their blogs. In return I link to your blog under my Photo-A-Day Hosts Blog Roll.
What is the widget. Well, it is a daily photo from my Photo-A-Day project. I have been taking and posting photos to my blog for 2+ years straight. I just started year 3. I’d like to get more people viewing the images and commenting on them so if I can get many Photo-A-Day hosts then I hope I can get people viewing my photos and leaving comments.
You can add Photo-A-Day to your blog and contact me letting me know the widget it up and I will add you to my PAD Host link list.
Here is the link to the Photo-A-Day instructions and code.
brettbum said,
April 22, 2007 @ 1:06 am
“I also personally find it works great fro settling arguments. It’s hard to scream at someone while you are asking a question.”
. . .
Quotes from Socrates’ wife
Cass said,
April 22, 2007 @ 1:33 am
Ok, it’s hard to scream while I asking a question unless you are married to Brettbum!
Lisa said,
April 23, 2007 @ 3:24 pm
This is totally cool, Cass! I blogged it here:
Teaching/Discovery – The Socratic Method
Thank you, ma’m!
Deb said,
April 26, 2007 @ 11:34 am
What if you run out of questions…or what if you ask a question and then you just hear crickets? 😉
Really cool stuff…interesting reading!
Cass said,
April 26, 2007 @ 6:15 pm
Why do you feel compelled to ask such difficult questions? See, I just got Socratic on you!
The Bookworm Broadcast » Teaching/Discovery - The Socratic Method said,
May 14, 2007 @ 1:30 pm
[…] was perusing the normal blogs upon my route this morning, when I happened upon a great post called, The Socratic Method, on my friend Cass’ blog. It is a super-cool, get the learners involved method of teaching! […]